notes on this index |
birthdate: December 15 1911 birthplace: New York City profession: writer popular work: Rex Morgan MD, Apartment 3-G
profession: writer popular work: Hulk, Aquaman
profession: artist popular work: Batman
profession: artist popular work: DC war
birthdate: 1926 birthplace: Atlanta, GA profession: artist popular work: varied illustrator
birthdate: 1945 profession: artist, creator popular work: Garfield
birthdate: March 4 1906 birthplace: St.Louis, MO died: December 16 1964 profession: artist popular work: Mandrake
profession: artist popular work: King of the Royal Mounted, Alex Raymond asst.
profession: artist popular work: Marvel comics
birthdate: January 18 1909 birthplace: Chicago, IL profession: writer, editor popular work: Rip Kirby writer
profession: inker popular work: Blackhawk
birthdate: November 2 1917 birthplace: New York City profession: artist popular work: Captain & the Kids strip
birthdate: 1877 birthplace: Heinde, Germany died: April 20 1968 profession: artist, writer popular work: Katzenjammer Kids/Cap & Kids
profession: artist
birthdate: December 5 1901 birthplace: Chicago, IL died: December 15 1966 profession: creator popular work: Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck
birthdate: November 2 1927 birthplace: Johnstown, PA profession: artist popular work: Spider-Man
birthdate: November 7 1902 birthplace: Lafayette, GA profession: artist, writer popular work: Mark Trail
profession: artist, writer popular work: Judgement Day
profession: artist popular work: DC war
profession: artist
birthdate: April 29 1877 birthplace: San Francisco, CA died: May 2 1929 profession: artist popular work: various strips
profession: artist, writer, creator popular work: Milk & Cheese
birthdate: November 9 1921 birthplace: Brooklyn, NY died: 1997 profession: artist popular work: Juliet Jones
profession: artist popular work: DC comics
birthdate: October 14 1877 birthplace: Philadelphia, PA died: January 31 1936 profession: artist popular work: various strips
profession: artist popular work: Mad, DC war
birthdate: June 28 1944 birthplace: Toulouse, France profession: artist popular work: Azrael
birthdate: 1893 birthplace: Sandusky, OH profession: artist popular work: various strips
birthdate: June 16 1874 birthplace: Ohio died: 1959 profession: artist popular work: various strips
profession: creator, editor popular work: Action Girl
birthdate: April 15 1890 birthplace: Chicago, IL died: 1942 profession: artist, writer popular work: Barney Google
profession: artist popular work: Archie comics
profession: writer popular work: DC war
profession: artist, publisher popular work: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
birthdate: July 16 1890 birthplace: Moline, IL died: October 10 1959 profession: artist popular work: Harold Teen
birthdate: September 20 1901 birthplace: Cincinnati, OH died: September 27 1966 profession: artist popular work: the Gumps, Dondi
profession: artist popular work: Daredevil
profession: artist popular work: ACG comics
birthdate: March 1917 birthplace: New York City profession: artist, writer, creator popular work: the Spirit
birthdate: September 22 1922 birthplace: Bronx, NY profession: artist popular work: EC comics, Little Annie Fanny
birthdate: May 21 1920 birthplace: Manchester, England profession: artist popular work: various strips & comics
profession: writer popular work: Stormwatch, Vampirella
profession: writer popular work: Preacher
birthdate: 1918 birthplace: Illinois profession: artist popular work: Mary Worth
profession: artist
profession: artist popular work: Ghost Rider
profession: artist popular work: DC war
birthdate: February 5 1920 birthplace: Harwood, PA profession: artist popular work: EC comics
birthdate: May 18 1917 birthplace: Cambridge, MA died: February 27 1973 profession: artist popular work: Sub-Mariner
profession: artist popular work: funny animals
profession: artist popular work: funny animals
birthdate: 1905 birthplace: St.Louis, MO profession: writer popular work: Phantom, Mandrake
profession: artist, editor popular work: Fiction House
birthdate: January 26 1929 birthplace: Bronx, NY profession: writer, artist popular work: Feiffer, the Spirit
birthdate: July 17 1871 birthplace: New York City died: January 13 1956 profession: artist popular work: Wee Willie Winkie's World
profession: letterer popular work: Marvel comics
birthdate: October 24 1925 birthplace: Brooklyn, NY profession: artist, writer, editor popular work: EC comics, Mad
birthdate: 1914 birthplace: New York City died: July 24 1971 profession: artist popular work: various comics
birthdate: February 8 1917 birthplace: New York City died: February 1974 profession: writer popular work: Batman
birthdate: 1900 birthplace: Wilkes-Barre, PA died: December 27 1955 profession: artist popular work: Joe Palooka
birthdate: April 3 1885 birthplace: Chicago, IL died: September 7 1954 profession: artist popular work: Mutt & Jeff
profession: artist popular work: DC war
birthdate: 1907 birthplace: Mayville, NY died: January 10 1973 profession: artist popular work: Lone Ranger
birthdate: 1888 birthplace: Vienna, Austria died: November 12 1972 profession: creator, animator popular work: Betty Boop
profession: artist popular work: Boots
birthdate: November 26 1919 birthplace: St.Louis, MO profession: artist popular work: Bringing Up Father
profession: artist popular work: Dick Tracy
birthdate: 1930 birthplace: Paris, France profession: artist popular work: Barbarella
profession: artist popular work: DC war
profession: artist popular work: Joe Jinks
profession: artist popular work: Fiction House
birthdate: August 16 1892 birthplace: Halifax, Nova Scotia died: 1981 profession: artist, writer popular work: Prince Valiant, Tarzan
birthdate: March 3 1884 birthplace: Louisville, KY died: August 10 1964 profession: artist popular work: Toonerville Trolley
birthdate: May 1911 birthplace: Brooklyn, NY profession: writer popular work: DC comics
profession: artist popular work: Marvel comics
profession: artist popular work: Aquaman, Metamorpho, Brenda Starr
profession: artist popular work: Bloodstrike
birthdate: February 9 1928 birthplace: Brooklyn, NY profession: artist popular work: various
birthdate: August 9 1929 birthplace: Atlantic City, NJ profession: artist popular work: Mandrake
birthdate: 1898 birthplace: Detroit, MI died: 1969 profession: artist popular work: Our Boarding House
birthdate: 1890 birthplace: Michigan died: August 16 1963 profession: artist popular work: Oaky Doaks
birthdate: 1897 birthplace: Seattle, WA died: October 16 1944 profession: artist popular work: Dumb Dora
profession: artist popular work: Dumb Dora, Blondie
profession: artist popular work: Sandman
died: 1947 profession: publisher popular work: DC, EC
birthdate: March 1 1922 birthplace: New York City died: 1992 profession: publisher popular work: EC comics, MAD
profession: artist popular work: Vampirella
profession: artist, inker popular work: DC comics
profession: artist popular work: Watchmen
profession: artist, inker popular work: DC comics
profession: artist popular work: Omega Men
profession: artist popular work: Mr. Monster
birthdate: July 22 1932 birthplace: New York City profession: artist, editor popular work: DC comics
birthdate: 1938 birthplace: Paris, France profession: artist, writer popular work: Arzach, Blueberry
profession: artist popular work: DC war
birthdate: October 20 1889 birthplace: Washington, D.C. died: August 5 1959 profession: artist popular work: Rusty Riley
profession: artist popular work: Warren Mags
birthdate: July 4 1883 birthplace: California died: December 7 1970 profession: artist popular work: various strips
profession: artist popular work: Archie
profession: artist popular work: Marvel comics
profession: artist
birthdate: September 8 1937 birthplace: Kansas City, MO profession: writer, editor popular work: various
birthdate: 1907 birthplace: Kaysville, Utah profession: artist popular work: Mickey Mouse
profession: artist popular work: Revolutionary Studios
birthdate: November 20 1900 birthplace: Pawnee, OK died: May 10 1985 profession: artist, writer, creator popular work: Dick Tracy
birthdate: 1911 birthplace: Bronx, NY profession: artist popular work: Red Barry
birthdate: 1907 birthplace: Cleveland, OH died: November 2 1975 profession: artist popular work: Secret Agent X-9
profession: artist popular work: the Spirit
birthdate: 1902 birthplace: Toledo, Ohio died: January 7 1957 profession: artist popular work: Brick Bradford
birthdate: January 20 1894 birthplace: Kankakee, IL died: May 10 1968 profession: artist, writer, creator popular work: Little Orphan Annie
profession: artist, inker popular work: Marvel
profession: artist popular work: DC comics
birthdate: September 12 1908 birthplace: Battle Ground, WA died: 1965 profession: artist popular work: the Shadow
profession: artist popular work: Sparkman
profession: artist popular work: Warlord
profession: artist popular work: Warlock
profession: artist, creator popular work: Life in Hell, the Simpsons
birthdate: 1895 birthplace: Bronx, NY died: November 28 1953 profession: artist popular work: That's My Pop
profession: artist popular work: Howdy Doody
birthdate: 1953 died: 1996 profession: writer, editor popular work: Marvel comics
birthdate: October 3 1913 birthplace: Albany, NY profession: artist popular work: Zatara
profession: artist popular work: DC comics
profession: artist popular work: Hand of Kung Fu
birthdate: August 16 1916 birthplace: Aland, Finland profession: artist popular work: various comics
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